Sunday, March 22, 2015

What Makes A Good Radio Ad?

This is the million dollar question.  A good radio ad is one that produces results.  It is just that simple.  Whether you have an upcoming event, a product, or service to sell, you want results.  Never get caught up in the fact that your commercial is on the radio.  Many people get excited after they have paid for commercial spots and then hear it on the radio.  In fact you will listen to the radio all day just to hear your own commercial.

If only your target market was like that.  The truth is that if you don't capture your target market's attention within the first 3 seconds they have already tuned you out.  Don't waste time with a music intro.  Get right into addressing something that your target market will respond to and pay attention.  Here are some great openings to a commercial...

  • Are you in a bad marriage
  • Do you have mice
  • Are you looking for a church home
  • Are you grilling out this weekend
  • Looking for a car
These openers for several different markets have one thing in common.  They all start with a question that the hearer that is looking for that will pay attention to.  Opening your commercial with a question gets attention because it will get a only one of two responses...Yes or no.

When you pose a question to your target market it works to get there attention.  Now of course not everyone that is listening to the radio at that time will need or want what you have.  However, EVERYONE that is looking for it will pay attention because you spoke directly to a need they have.

In your commercial remember one thing.  NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOU!  What I mean is that they only care about who what you have solves there problem or answers their question.  No one cares how long you have been in business or how many employees you have.  They don't care what you look like or what kind of car you drive.  They simply care about themselves.  Make sure your ad is focused on them and not how great you are. 

Make sure you commercial is about how your product or service addresses their need not your ego.

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