Sunday, March 22, 2015

Why Radio Ads Don't Work

Everyone knows that when you are listening to your favorite radio show that TUNE OUT time comes when commercials start.  It is not often that a commercial actually catches and keeps your attention.  There is a reason for this.  No one cares what you are talking about!

Sounds kind of bleak doesn't it?  Radio ads have the potential to really help you grow your business and become known as an authority in your field, if they are done correctly.  I want you to pay attention the next time you are listening to the radio.  Yes, I want you to pay attention to the commercials.  When you hear one does it make you say, "I want one."?

I want you to also notice that big companies NEVER just let a radio station make a commercial for them.  This is one of the big mistakes that smaller businesses make.  They allow a group of radio people that have no experience in marketing make a commercial that is suppose to make people buy from you.  I mean of course a radio station has all of the best equipment in order to make a great sounding commercial.  The question is do the have the expertise to really convince people to buy from you? NO!

The reason larger companies use marketing professionals and script writers is because it works.  I mean if all you have is 30 or 60 seconds to make your case to potential buyers don't you want to make sure that it will work?  Especially after you have put done some hard earned cash?

In those few seconds that you have you need to do 3 things.  You need to show that you understand a problem that your target market has.  You need to offer a solution to that problem and you need to connect with them on an emotional level. 

Don't just let radio station put something together with a lot of bells and whistles.  A commercial on the radio has one job and that is to convince your target market to buy form you...PERIOD.  If it does not do that, you have just wasted money that I am sure you actually needed.

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